The Crucial Role of Bees

Bees are not just nature’s little workers; they are vital for sustaining our planet. They pollinate approximately 80% of wild plants and the majority of our crops, playing a pivotal role in maintaining global biodiversity and our food supply. Explore the interactive charts below to see how bees bolster our ecosystems

  • Pollination of wild plants

    Pollinates around 80%of wild plant species

  • Contribution to global food production

    Approximately 35%of global food production depends on insectpollination,with bees as key pollinators.

  • Economic value of pollination

    The global economic value of bee pollination is estimated atover $57 billion annually.

  • Increase in crop quality and quantity

    Pollination activities by bees improve both the quality andquantity of crops,increasing their commercial value.

  • Threats faced

    Severe threats include habitat loss,pests anddiseases,pesticide use,and climate change;bee populations have declined by 89%globally from 2007 to 2016.